RDI Divison of researchd Industries Intl  offers a wide line of  antibodies. Since no one antibody works best for all applications (flow cytometry, neutralization, blotting, histochemistry, ELISA, etc), we offer many different types of antibodies to help solve this problem. Please inquire for other applications or types of antibodies not listed below. All products are for in vitro research use only-not for use in or on humans or animals-not for use in diagnostics. Price/availability/specifications subject to change without notice.

Anti-MOUSE  CD Antibodies


Protocol For Zinc Fixation:


Fixation in Zinc-Fixative


1. Prepare 0.1M Tris buffer, pH 7.4 (IL)  


     Tris Base                    12.1 g (THAM, TRIZMA)

     Deionized water         900 mls

     1.0 N HCL                 81.5 mls


2. Prepare Zinc-Fixative as follows:

      0.1M Tris buffer, pH 7.4 recipe above (1000 ml)

       0.5g Calcium Acetate

      5.0g Zinc Acetate

      5.0g Zinc Chloride


Mix to dissolve. The final pH will be approximately 6.5-7.0. Do not readjust the pH, as this will cause the zinc to come out of solution.


3. Store Zinc Fixative at room temperature.

4. Fix tissues in Zinc Fixative by placing freshly dissected tissue pieces (no larger than 5 mm in size) in Zinc Fixative and allowing to sit 6 hours at room temperature. After fixation, dehydrate tissues for one hour each in 70% ethanol, 90% ethanol, 95% ethanol, and 100% ethanol (2 changes) at room temperature. Tissues are then cleared in 2 changes of xylene for 50 minutes each at room temperature, followed by paraffin embedding.



Nitta,H. etal. 1997. Imporved InSitu Immunodetection of Leukocytes on Paraffin-Embedded Mouse Spleen. Cell Vision 4: 73-80


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