​Biogenic Amine Assays for Pharmaceutical and Specialty Research

Biogenic Amine Assays for Pharmaceutical and Specialty Research

The following Elisa kits are manufactured by IBL (Immuno Biological Laboratoreis, Hamburg Germany) and distributed by Research Diagnostics Inc for in vitro research use only-not for use in or on humans or animals, not for use in diagnostics.

Note:these kits are tested for human use (unless otherwise indicated). Please click on the species chart for some additional cross-species information providied by the manufacturer. Use of product for non-human samples the responsibility of the user.

-Click on the kit name to access a summary kit protocol  in .html format. Click on catalog number for extended information in .pdf format (see actual insert with each kit for batch specific information) -for any protocol in pdf format (click to visit Adobe(tm) web site to download free acrobat reader.

$475.00/kit,  $450.00/kit 3-9 kits,       $400.00/kit 10+ any combination!

new kit design & protocol 1/2000

RDI-RE59251 (in pdf format)



RDI-RE59242 (in pdf format)


Histamine   New Protocol 7/96 RDI-RE59221
Hisatime Release reagent pack


HIAA 5- (serotonin metabolite) RDI-RE59131
Histamine(foodstuffs) RDI-RE59211
Melatonin ** RDI-RE54021
Melatonin Sulfate  ** RDI-RE54031
Metanephrine RDI-RE59181

-new kit version & protocol


protocl in .pdf format

Normetanephrine RDI-RE59171
Serotonin RDI-RE59121


**melatonin kit: $450.00/1kit  $400/kit 2 or more

** melatonin sulfate kit: $450.00/kit  $400.00/kit 2+


Please call or EMAIL us with your address and we will gladly send you the full kit inserts for these and other assays. We also distribute kits for other assays including: