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Anti-MOUSE MHC CLASS I & Class II Antibodies
-it is extremely important you know the strain/type of mouse you plan to use along with its genetic background/MHC type and subtypes for proper antibody reactivity. If not known, please check with the originator of your mouse . Inquire for antibodies specific or reacting with your strain.
for example: Balb/cJ & Balb/cAnN= MHC haplotype d, H-2Kd, Ia-d, I-Ed, H-2Dd, H-2Ld,
C57BL/- =MHC haplotyupe b, H-2kb, I-ab, H-2Db
Catalog#: RDI-mH2KB-885 $469.00/vial
Package Size: 500ug purified antibody in 1ml buffer with 0.09% sodium azide
Species: mouse (Balb/c)
Isotype: mIgG2Ak
clone: AF6-88.5
Reactivity: -reacts with the H-2Kb MHC class I antigen. Weak cross reactivity with cells from mice of the H-2Kk haplotype has been observed by flow cytometric analysis.
Uses: -immunofluorescent staining
-flow cytometry
-complement dependent cytotoxicity
-histochemistry:acetone fixed frozen sections (recommend biotin conjugate)
Storage: Store at 4 DEG C. For extensive dilutions, add protein containing or stabilizing medium.
Precautions: For In vitro research Use Only. Not for use in or on humans or animals or for diagnostics. Sodium azide may form explosive compounds in presence of heavy metals or under acidic conditions. Flush drains with copious amounts of water to prevent buildup of explosive compounds.
Also available:
Fitc conjugated cat#RDI-mH2KB-885-FT $562.00/0.5mg
PE conjugated cat#RDI-mH2KB-885-PE $500.00.0.1mg
Biotin conjuga cat#RDI-mH2KB-885-BT $594.00/0.5mg
DATA SHEET: Mouse anti-MOUSE HLA- H-2Db MHC Class I BLOCKING/IP/Histochemistry
Catalog#: RDI-mH2DB-148 $594.00/vial
Package Size: 500ug purified antibody in sterile filtered PBS (carrier and preservative free)
Species: mouse (C3H/HeJ)
Isotype: mIgG2ak
clone: 28-14-8
Reactivity: -reacts with the alpha3 domain of H-2Db The antibody binds to H-2Db in the presence or absence of the b2 microglobulin chain. It cross reacts with the alpha3 domain of H-2Ld, but not Kd or Dd and with H-2Dq and/or Lq. Reactivity with hapoltypes k,f,p,r and s has not been observed. Clone 28-14-8 has been shown to block H-2Ld specific and H-2Ld restricted antigen specific lysis of target cells by ctotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) but it does NOT block recognition of H-2Ld positive target cells by Ly-6G2 positive NK cells
Uses: -indirect immunofluorescent staining by flow cytometry
-complement dependent cytotoxicity
-blocking f H-2d resticted CTLs
-histochemistry of acetone fixed frozen sections
Storage: Store at 4 DEG C. For extensive dilutions, add protein containing or stabilizing medium.
also Biotin conjugated: RDI-mH2DB-148BT $594.00/0.5mg
Precautions: For In vitro research Use Only. Not for use in or on humans or animals or for diagnostics.
Mouse anti-MOUSE HLA- H-2Db MHC Class I
Catalog#: RDI-mH2DB-KH95 $469.00/vial
Package Size: 500ug purified antibody in 1ml buffer w/0.09% sodium azide
Species: mouse (Balb/c)
Isotype: mIgG2bk
clone: KH95
Reactivity: -reacts with the H-2Db MHC class I antigen.
Uses: -immunofluorescent staining -flow cytometry
-complement dependent cytotoxicity
Storage: Store at 4 DEG C. For extensive dilutions, add protein containing or stabilizing medium.
Precautions: For In vitro research Use Only. Not for use in or on humans or animals or for diagnostics. Sodium azide may form explosive compounds in presence of heavy metals or under acidic conditions. Flush drains with copious amounts of water to prevent buildup of explosive compounds.
Also available:
Fitc conjugated cat#RDI-mH2DB-KH95-FT $562.00/0.5mg
PE conjugated cat#RDI-mH2DB-KH95-PE $438.00.0.1mg
Biotin conjuga cat#RDI-mH2DB-KH95-BT $594.00/0.5mg
Mouse anti-MOUSE HLA- H-2Kd MHC Class I
Catalog#: RDI-mH2KD-SF1 $469.00/vial
Package Size: 500ug purified antibody in 1ml buffer w/0.09%NaN3
Species: mouse (SJL))
Isotype: mIgG2ak
clone: SF1-1.1
Reactivity: -reacts with the H-2Kd MHC class I antigen. Weak cross reactivity with cells from mice of the H-2kK haplotype has been oberved by flow cytometric analysis.
Uses: -immunofluorescent staining
-flow cytometry
-complement dependent cytotoxicity
-histochemistry:acetone fixed frozen sections
-immunoblot & IP reported
Storage: Store at 4 DEG C. For extensive dilutions, add protein containing or stabilizing medium.
Precautions: For In vitro research Use Only. Not for use in or on humans or animals or for diagnostics. Sodium azide may form explosive compounds in presence of heavy metals or under acidic conditions. Flush drains with copious amounts of water to prevent buildup of explosive compounds.
Also available:
Fitc conjugated cat#RDI-mH2KD-SF1-FT $562.00/0.5mg
PE conjugated cat#RDI-mH2KD-SF1PE $438.00.0.1mg
Biotin conjuga cat#RDI-mH2KD-SF1BT $594.00/0.5mg
Catalog#: RDI-MMHC2-2G9 $500.00/vial
Package Size: 500ug purified antibody in Tris buffer w/0.1%NaN3
Species: Rat (DA/HA)
Isotype: mIgG2ak
clone: 2G9
Reactivity: **-reacts with the MHC class II allo antigen from I-A(d) and I-E(d) ,also with mice of the H-2B, H-2K, H-2P and H-2q hapoltypes
Uses: -immunofluorescent staining
-flow cytometry
-histochemistry:acetone fixed frozen sections (using either biotin labeled antibody of the purified antibody)
Storage: Store at 4 DEG C. For extensive dilutions, add protein containing or stabilizing medium.
Precautions: For In vitro research Use Only. Not for use in or on humans or animals or for diagnostics. Sodium azide may form explosive compounds in presence of heavy metals or under acidic conditions. Flush drains with copious amounts of water to prevent buildup of explosive compounds.
Also available:
Fitc conjugated cat#RDI-MMHC2-2G9FT $562.00/0.5mg
Biotin conjuga RDI-MMHC2-2G9BT $562.00/0.5mg
Catalog#: RDI-mH2AD-AMS $500.00/vial 500ug
Fitc conjugated cat#RDI-mH2AD-AMSFT $594.00/0.5mg
PE conjugated cat#RDI-mH2AD-AMSPE $469.00.0.1mg
Biotin conjuga cat#RDI-mH2AD-AMSBT $562.00/0.5mg
Biotin for histo cat#RDI-MH2AD-AMSBX $344.00/1ml
Package Size: 500ug purified antibody in 1ml (0.5mg/ml) buffer with w/0.09%NaN3
Species: mouse (SJL)
Isotype: mIgG2bk
clone: AMS-32.1
Immunogen: Balb/c mouse splenocytes
Reactivity: The AMS-32.1 antibody reacts with the I-A d MHC class II alloantigen. It cross-reacts with cells from mice of the H-2 f , H-2 g7 , H-2 j , and H-2 v haplotypes.1,3,4,5 Reactivity with other haplotypes (e.g., k, p, q, r, s, u) has not been observed.
Uses: -immunofluorescent staining
-flow cytometry
-complement dependent cytotoxicity
-histochemistry:acetone fixed frozen sections - recommend the biotin conjugated form
-blocking in the presence of clone 14- 4-4S of primary mixed lymphocyte reaction
Storage: Store at 4 DEG C. For extensive dilutions, add protein containing or stabilizing medium.
Precautions: For In vitro research Use Only. Not for use in or on humans or animals or for diagnostics. Sodium azide may form explosive compounds in presence of heavy metals or under acidic conditions. Flush drains with copious amounts of water to prevent buildup of explosive compounds.
Also available:
Mouse anti-MOUSE HLA-Class II (I-Ad ) Blocking/Stimulation
Catalog#: RDI-MMHC2-3453 $500.00/vial
Package Size: 500ug purified antibody in 1ml buffer w/0.09%NaN3
Species: mouse (C3H/Hej)
Isotype: mIgG2ak
clone: 34-5-3
Immunogen: C57BL/6 x DBA /2)F1 mouse splenocytes
Reactivity: -reacts with the Beta chain of the I-Ad MHC Class II alloantigen. It cross reacts with I-Ab and with cells from mice of the H-2p and H-2q haplotypes.
Uses: -immunofluorescent staining
-flow cytometry
-complement dependent cytotoxicity
-stimulation of immunoglobulin secretion by I-Ab expressing B cells
-blocking of antigen-specific IL2 responses by T hybridoma cells
Storage: Store at 4 DEG C. For extensive dilutions, add protein containing or stabilizing medium.
Precautions: For In vitro research Use Only. Not for use in or on humans or animals or for diagnostics. Sodium azide may form explosive compounds in presence of heavy metals or under acidic conditions. Flush drains with copious amounts of water to prevent buildup of explosive compounds.
DATA SHEET: Mouse anti-MOUSE HLA-Class II (I-Ad )
Catalog#: Biotin conj cat#RDI-MMHC2-39BT $500.00/0.5mg
Package Size: 500ug purified antibody in PBS w/0.09%NaN3
-also available FITC conj cat#RDI-MMHC2-39FT $562.00/0.5mg
Species: mouse (C3H.SW)
Isotype: mIgG3k
clone: 39-10-8
Immunogen: C3H X Balb/c)F1 mouse cells
Reactivity: -reacts with the I-Ad MHC Class II alloantigen. Reactivity with other haplotypes (eg a,b,k,p,q,s) has not been observed)
Uses: -immunofluorescent staining
-flow cytometry
-using biotin conjugated antibody, acetone fixed frozen sections
Storage: Store at 4 DEG C. For extensive dilutions, add protein containing or stabilizing medium.
Precautions: For In vitro research Use Only. Not for use in or on humans or animals or for diagnostics. Sodium azide may form explosive compounds in presence of heavy metals or under acidic conditions. Flush drains with copious amounts of water to prevent buildup of explosive compounds.
-please inquire for Mab from clones:
8F12, 34-2-12, 34-5-8S, 15-5-5, 6-27.5, KH117, 28-8-6, 36-7-5, kh114, kh49, 25-9-3, kh4, 25-9-17, af6-120.1 ,
and others
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