Antibodies Against Enzymes, Bioactive Peptides

29th Aug 2021

Bioactive Peptides, Proteins & MISC

(includes the following antibody types)-Please inquire if you cannot find the antibody you need -we have access to many others ! Click on catalog number to view sample spec sheets (and in some cases additional antibodies of similar type).
-if you do not see what you need here, check out our alphabetical list with links or please inquire!

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CAT# Name/Reactivity Clone REF Size Price

RDI-CBL56 ACTH C-terminal 56 1mg $300.00

RDI-CBL57 ACTH N-terminal 57 1mg $300.00

RDI-CBL58 ACTH-N terminal 58 1mg $300.00

RDI- Apolipoprotein/LDL/HDL/LDL RECEPTOR etc -see Lipoprotein Data Pack

RDI-TRK4T24 human albumin 1C8 1mg $300.00

RDI-M1574clb ANCA Clb-anca(12.8) 200T $300.00

RDI-ACEabm Angiotensin Converting Enzyme ---- 100ug $400.00

RDI-ANKYRabm Ankyrin, human RBC 25ug $275.00

RDI-TRK4AD1 alcohol dehydrogenase ADH1E5 1mg $300.00

RDI-TRK4F16- Alpha-Fetoprotein 6 clones 1mg $300.00

RDI-CBL66 atrial Natriuretic Peptide 23/1 1mg $300.00

RDI-CBL209 Beta 2 microglobulin paired abs available, + PE & Fitc conjugates-

RDI-CBL226 Ca 2+ ATPase PL/IM430 200ug $300.00

***please see ion transport data pack for information on this and many other related abs-***

RDI- Cadherins (P-, R-,E- and N- poly & mono abs)

RDI-PRO10704 Cadherin E 6F9 1ml $350.00

RDI-PRO10028 Cadherin E 5H9 1ml $350.00

RDI-TRK5C5 Caldesmon 12B5 1mg $300.00

RDI- Calmodulin

RDI- Calpain (u and m reactive antibodies)

RDI- Calpastatin 200ul $350.00

RDI-Catenins Catenins (see specs for monoclonals against

alpha-catenin, beta-catenin and gamma-catenin/plakoglobin)

RDI-CHYMOTabm Chymotrypsin CHYMOT 62 1mg $375.00

RDI-PRO61018 Complement C3a H13 50ug $300.00

RDI-PRO61019 Complement C3b-alpha H206 50ug $300.00

RDI-PRO61020 Complement C3b-beta H11 50ug $300.00

RDI-PRO61021 Complement C5 HCC 5.1 50ug $300.00

RDI-CBL192 Complement 5b neoepitope HC5b.1 50ug $300.00

RDI-TRK4C7- Corticoliberin 2 clones 1mg $300.00

RDI-TRK4C28- Cross Reactive Protein (CRP) 7 clones 1mg $300.00 each

RDI-CYCLIND- Cyclin D1, D2 & D3 antibodies 3+ clones & polyclonals

RDI-TRK3C13 Cyclosporine A CSZ.22 1mg $300.00

RDI-PRO65192 Desmocollin 1 DSC1-U100 5ml $300.00

RDI-PRO610120 Desmocollin 2 rabbit polyclonal 100ul $275.00

RDI-PROGP542 Desmocollin 2 guinea pig poly 100ul $300.00

RDI-PRO65193 Desmocollin 3 DSC3-U114 5ml $300.00

RDI-PRO61024 Desmoplakin 1 DP-2.17 50ug $300.00

RDI-PRO61003 Desmoplakin 1 & 2 DP2.15 50ug $300.00

RDI-PRO65146 Desmoplaksin 1&2 (multi-epitopes) multi-clones 5ml $225.00

RDI-PRO65159 Desmoglein 2 10G11 5ml $300.00

RDI-PRO610121 Desmoglein 2 rabbit polyclonal 100ul $275.00

RDI-PRO61002 Desmoglein 1/2 DG3.10 50ug $300.00

RDI-PRO Desmoglein 1 (2 clones) dsg1-p23 + dsg1-p124

RDI-PRO651112 Desmoglein 3 Dsg-G194 5ml $225.00

RDI-DESMO- Desmoglein, Desmoplakin, desmocollin 0.2ml $350.00 each

(4 select rabbit polyclonals)

RDI-DNAabm DNA (single and double stranded) 403 1mg $375.00

-see also new clone for histochemistry under this heading-

RDI-CBL427 DNA Topoisomerase II KF4 100ug $275.00

RDI-TRK4D5 Dopamine DA2B11 1mg $300.00

RDI- Elastase (mono and poly)

RDI-PRO10705 Endothelial Cells (veins) PAL-E 1ml $275.00

RDI-CBL85 Endothelin-1 IC4 1mg $300.00

RDI-CBL86 Endothelin-3 3B6 1mg $300.00

RDI-CBL 87 Endothelin C-terminal 3G10 1mg $300.00

RDI-M1365clb Erythrocytes, glycophorin A CLB-ery/1 200T $300.00

see also FITC labeled antibody

RDI-M1392clb Erythrocytes, H Antigen CLB-ery-H/1 200T $300.00

RDI-CBL96 Estriol 11EBC5 1mg $300.00

RDI- Factor VIII & VIIIc (2 clones) & polys 1mg $375.00 each

RDI-FABP- FATTY ACID BINDING PROTEIN 4 clones) 1mg $350.00 each

RDI-CBL181 Fibronectin (cellular) Fn-3 200ug $300.00

RDI-CBL182 Fibronectin (cellular + Plasma) Fn-4 200ug $300.00

RDI- Fibronectin (human, monkey, rat, hamster) and abs for paraffin

RDI-TRK5F3 Fluorescein (FITC) 19F/2A3 1mg $300.00

RDI-CBL65 Folate 8/33 1mg $300.00

RDI-CBL67 Folate 8/39 1mg $300.00

RDI- FSH multiple clones --- --------

RDI-PRO61011 Glial filament protein (GFP) GF 12.24 50ug $300.00

RDI-TRK4G25 Glial fibrillary acidic Protein GF5 1mg $300.00

RDI-GLUT4abm Glucose Transporter GLUT 4 200ug $500.00

RDI-TRK5G4- Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1mg $300.00 each


RDI-TRK5GP6 Go-protein (bovine) 1H6A5 1mg $300.00

RDI-TRK2G2 Growth Hormone Gh29 1mg $300.00

RDI-HCG HCG multiple clones -- --------

RDI-CBL63 Hemoglobin B11.10G 1mg $300.00

RDI-TRK4P14 HorseRadish Peroxidase 3P/2H11 1mg $300.00

RDI-CBL71 Insulin MAB1 1mg $300.00

RDI-TRK2I1- Insulin(human) 3 clones 1mg $300.00 @

RDI-TRK4IL12- Interleukin 1-beta 3clones 1mg $300.00 @

RDI-TRK4L2-LF2B8 Lactoferrin LF2B8 1mg $300.00

RDI-LH LH (leutenizing Hormone) multiple clones ----- ------

RDI-PRO61083 LYSOZYME LYZ-Z 50ug $300.00

RDI-CBL419 Major Basic Protein BMK13 200ug $300.00

RDI-M1464clb Myeloperoxidase CLB-MPO/1 200T $300.00

also available FITC labeled

RDI-TRK4M23- MYOGLOBIN 4 clones 1mg $300.00 @

RDI-PRO10605 Mysoin 414 1ml $300.00

RDI-CBL223 Na+/K+/ATPase IO5 1mg $300.00

RDI-ATPASEabr Na+/K+/ATPASE (rabbit polyclonal) ---- rabbit 1ml $300.00

RDI-ATPASEabg Na+/K+/ATPASE (goat polyclonal) ---- GOAT 1ml $300.00

RDI-TRK4N6- Neuron Specific Enolase 4 clones 1mg $300.00 @

RDI- Nitric Oxide Synthesases

RDI-PRO61074 P16 (for cell cycle research) DCS-50.2 50ug $300.00

RDI- P-Glycoprotein (MDR)

RDI-CBL426 Phosphotyrosine Kinase PTYR-01 100ug $300.00

RDI-PRO61005 Plakoglobin Pg5.1 50ug $300.00

RDI-PRO65161 Plakophilin 1 (B6P, 80kDa) PP1-2D6 5ml $275.00

RDI-PRO65160 Plakophilin 1 (B6P, 80kDa) PP1-5C2 5ml $275.00

RDI-PRO651101 Plakophilin 2 (2A + 2B) mono cocktail $275.00

RDI-TRK4P11- Plasminogen 3 clones 1mg $300.00 @

RDI- Progesterone (mono's and poly's)

RDI-TRK2P9- Proinsulin 2 clones 1mg $300.00 @

RDI-TRK2PI10- Proinsulin (rat/mouse) 2 clones 1mg $300.00 @

RDI- Prolactin multiple clones please inquire ---- -------

RDI-TRK4RS8 Regulatory subunit RS30 1mg $300.00

RDI-Renin- Renin (rat/mouse reactivity) ---- --- ------

RDI-CBL221 RNA Polymerase II Arna3(subclone) 50ug $300.00

RDI-CBL171 Smooth muscle Actin asm-1 + mIgG2a 50ug $ 250.00

RDI-CBL68 Testosterone 3F11 1mg $400.00

RDI-TRK2TG12- Thyroglobulin (24TG/5E6 & 24Tg/5F9) 2 clones 1mg $300.00 each

RDI-CBL81 Thyroxine (T4) D5 1mg $350.00

RDI-TRK2T7 Triiodothyronine (T3) multi-clones --- -------

RDI-TRK4T15- Transferrin 2 clones 1mg $300.00 @

RDI- TSH (multiple clones ) ---- ---------

RDI-TRK4T19- CARDIAC TROPONIN T 14 clones 1mg $350.00 @

RDI-TRK4T21- CARDIAC TROPONIN I 7 clones 1mg $350.00 @

RDI-TRK4T20- TROPONIN I (skeletal muscle) A9 mouse 1mg $350.00

RDI-TRK4TP15- Thyroid Peroxidase 6H7 1mG $300.00 each

RDI-TRK4T10- Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha 3 clones 1mg $300.00 @

RDI-CBL59 Vitamin B12 10/31 1mg $300.00

RDI-CBL64 Vitamin B12 10/41 1mg $300.00

  • For in vitro research use only-not for use in diagnostics. Not responsible for any patent infringements with the use or derivation of these products.